Chorus (2018)

Certificate : Not Rated
Duration : 2h 4m
Genres : Fantasy / Drama
IMDB Rating: 7.7/10
Director : Mrinal Sen
Storyline : It begins like a fairy tale. It starts with a ritual. A bard appears on the screen and sings.Glory be the new gods who have descended to the Earth.The chairman of the gods, concerned over the problem of want, arranges for a hundred jobs. But thousands queue for them. Too many peo… Read all
Budget :
Top Cast : Utpal Dutt, Ajit Banerjee, Shekhar Chatterjee, Radhamohan Bhattacharya, Snighda Majumdar, Subhendu Chatterjee, Supanta Bhattacharya, Gita Sen, Tarun Roy, Noni Ganguly, Sipra Chakravorty, Nirmal Ghosh, Ashok Mitra, Subrata Sensharma, Ajoy Banerjee, Haradhan Bannerjee, Rabi Ghosh, Satya Bannerjee

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