Black Cat (1959)

Certificate :
Duration : 2h 34m
Genres : Action / Thriller / Mystery
IMDB Rating: 6.9/10
Director : Nisar Ahmad Ansari
Storyline : Few people in real life would relish making the decision that Inspector Rajan is forced to take when he corners the identity of Black Cat a notorious character who lives the life of a professor by day and a crook by night. Inspector Rajan is deputed to bring in Black Cat dead or … Read all
Budget :
Top Cast : Balraj Sahni, Minoo Mumtaz, Nisar Ahmad Ansari, Johnny Walker, Nilofer, Sheila Kashmiri, Lillian, Rajan Kapoor, P. Kailash, Abdul, Robert, Umar Draz, Moosa, Hercules, Akbar Bakshi, Baburao Pahelwan, Amrit Rana, Kathana

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